Feedback Resources Padlet in Canvas

Community Champion

I can't believe it's just two more weeks until InstructureCon, and I've got a lot to do: I need to more-or-less get my classes ready for Fall (since I'll be busy with family stuff in August), AND I have lots of pre-InstCon prep I'd like to get done. So, you can expect a lot of blog posts here in the coming days, especially on my Feedback Project, which is the focus for my class redesign this summer.

I am feeling really excited about this because feedback is a part of EVERY course design, right? So I hope that the materials I am gathering here for my own feedback-focused redesign can be useful to everybody, even if you have different goals and philosophies that drive your classes. I am putting all my feedback resources here in an open Canvas course space to share with as wide an audience as possible:

Exploring Growth Mindset: FEEDBACK

Today I set up my Padlet, which I installed in the Canvas sapce using the Redirect Tool, and then adding that to the navigation:


screenshot of Padlet for Feedback

This Padlet will serve several different purposes:

* a place to save and share graphics that I don't put in a blog post anywhere

* a place to share graphics from my blog posts (in which case I include a link to the blog post)

* a place to share graphics from students' blog posts (that will start up in the fall)

* a source of writing prompts for students to use as they learn more about feedback processes

* a source of good material for my daily class announcements

I used a general all-purpose Growth Mindset Padlet for similar purposes last year, and I think it is going to work even better with the more specific focus on Feedback this year. 🙂

So, I now have my FOUR main feedback curation spaces set up and ready to go:

Diigo: where I am bookmarking lots of feedback resources, also displayed in Canvas

Padlet: with a focus on graphics / infographics, also displayed in Canvas

Feedback Cats: who have their own blog posts and who show up also in the cat randomizer

Twitter Moment: which shows up in Canvas and in my Feedback Cats blog sidebar.

As you can see, I'm all about CURATING and RE-USING resources that other people create. Most of what I share with my students is created by others. My own bit of creative work is the Feedback Cats, but those cats also depend on other people's content, as the texts are inspired by articles and infographics that others have created. 

So my advice is: don't try to create content by yourself. Instead, curate and re-purpose! It takes less time AND it results in even better content. Diigo, Padlet, and Twitter are my three favorite curation tools these days. What are your favorites?

Pandas work together to create the best content.

2 pandas working

(created with the Panda Cheezburger meme generator)