[ARCHIVED] Group Notifications

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As the Dist Admin, I am wanting to create student groups at the account level for our campuses.  We are wanting to use these groups to post information to the students such as upcoming testing dates, reminders, etc. since you can't do that any other way except through a group or course.  How will the group members be informed that there is something new posted?  I tested it somewhat and didn't find anything that looked promising, but maybe I overlooked something.  The group announcements will be useless unless it notifies the members that it is there.  This happens for courses, but what about groups?

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1 Solution

Announcements by section would certainly be a nice addition. This is likely the culture of the students at our school, but we've found that students don't view announcements as consistently as their Canvas Calendar, so our faculty have gotten out of the habit of using them; they create calendar events or no-submission dummy assignments instead in order to populate the students' calendars, both of which can be selectively released to individual sections. I'm not making this suggestion, as I would like to change that culture at my school, but this is what has worked for us in the past.

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