Self-Awareness and Personal Discovery Books in the Classroom

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First the book, Have you filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. This book helps guide young readers to see how their actions affect others. It increases self awareness in readers. One's actions can either fill someones bucket or empty. This analogy of peoples inner-self to buckets is an easy representation for children to comprehend. This book show students that even if some my look, sound, act, or think differently they are still the same deep down and have a bucket that needs filled.

Secondly The book, Taste Your Words by Bonnie Clark. This story teaches student that their words have power. Sometimes it can be hard to see that something so simple, like words, can have such a powerful impact. The relation of words to tastes shows children that their words have significant impacts. This book can teach students to be more excepting towards those with differences. It shows them that negative words have an impact, so they should sue kind words towards all.

Lastly the book, I am Enough by Grace Byers. This book helps children to value themselves. The character in this story is reminded by all the beautiful things around her that she is enough.  This book can show students that there is so much beauty in the them and the world around them.  This book can help students see that differences can be beautiful. The reader may not look like the girl in the book, but can recognize the beauty found.