[OPEN] Responses show as 'no answer' when rich FITB session item results are malformed

Engineers are currently investigating the issue
Affected SWs:
QUIZ-14747: [Support Week] Fill in the blank answers showing as 'no answer' (sju)Closed,
QUIZ-15233: [Support Week] Fill in the blank answers showing as 'no answer' (vccs)Support
Some rich FITB items exist in the database that have wordbank type blanks with incorrect scoring algorithm “Equivalence” (this type of blank should always have scoring algorithm “TextEquivalence”). Work has been done to add validation and ensure that no more corrupted items like this are created:
QUIZ-14813: Some rich FITB word bank blanks have an incorrect scoring algorithmClosed.
However, corrupted items that were already created prior to the bug fix being merged are still out there and are responsible for creating malformed SessionItemResults, which are stored in DynamoDB and cannot be modified or fixed. These malformed SessionItemResults cause the fill-in-the-blank Result component to display students' responses as ‘no answer’ rather than displaying the student’s answer.
This ticket is meant to attempt to fix the display of these malformed SessionItemResults and minimize the impact on users, even if the malformed data itself cannot be accessed and fixed.
Expected Behavior
For students fill in the blank answers to show in New Quizzes
No workaround exists at this time.
Steps to Reproduce
Create a New Quiz.
Add a fill in the blank question with one word bank type blank.
Open a rails console in quiz_api and change the item’s scoring_algorithm to ‘Equivalence’:
i = Item.last
i.scoring_data['value'][0]['scoring_algorithm'] = 'Equivalence'
Take the quiz as a student and notice that in the results (whether looking at them acting as the student, in moderate for the attempt, or in SpeedGrader), the student response displays as ‘No Answer’ (but does properly display whether the student’s response was correct or incorrect). The goal is to have this display the student’s response, as expected.
Additional Info
Known issues indicate notable behaviors that have been escalated to the Canvas engineering team. Known issues are not a guarantee for an immediate resolution. This document is for informational purposes only and does not replace the Support process. If you are encountering the behavior outlined in this document, please ensure you have submitted a Support case (per your institution's escalation process) so Canvas Support can adequately gauge the overall customer impact and prioritize appropriately.