Optimizing Efficiency with Date-Driven Workflows in LearnPlatform: Highlights from November's Virtual Office Half Hour



Challenges Addressed:

  • Overloaded product libraries with outdated tools, untracked contracts, and underused free products.
  • Difficulty keeping track of subscription renewals, DPAs, and other contract dates.

Solutions Suggested:

  • Create custom date columns to track important contract, DPA, and renewal dates. 
    • How to: Custom Column Guide 
  • Associate a date column to a workflow to automate reminders, make status and/or tag updates, and/or assign multiple review steps. 
    • How to: Date Driven Workflow Guide

Recording & Presentation

Example of Date-Driven workflows:

Name: Contract End Date Product Review

Description: This workflow allows for 120 days before the contract for a product expires. It involves the contract team looking at usage data from the LearnPlatform inventory dashboard, and any additional usage data provided by the vendor. It will be reviewed by the business team and if it is funded by title funds, it will be reviewed by the grant team. Standard reviewers include: IT, Data Privacy and then Math/ELA if the product is directly connected to the curriculum. 

Starting Event: 120 days before Date Column: Contract End Date

Send Notification:

Recipients: Business Team, IT Team, Data Privacy Team

Subject Line: Contract for <product> is expiring soon

Message: Hello <name> ,The contract for <product> is expiring in 120 days. Please watch for your assigned step and/or begin to prepare for your step now. Delaying your step could cause a late penalty and/or interrupt service to our staff/students. Thank you for your participation in the <product> review. 

Set Status: Under Review

Step 1:

Name: Product Usage Review

Form: Collect Data Form

Group: Contract Review Group 

Step 2: (Conditional): This step will only run if the product has tag “title I”, or  “title II”

Name: Funding Review

Form: Grant Funding Form

Group: Title Funding Team 

Step 3 

Name: Financial  Review

Form: Finance Review Form

Group: Business Team

Step 4: 

Name: Data Privacy Review

Form: Data Privacy Review Form

Group: Data Privacy Team 

Step 5 

Name: IT Review 

Form: IT Review Form 

Group: IT Team

Step 6: *Conditional: This step will only run if the product has tag “Reading”

Name: ELA Curriculum Review

Form: Curriculum Review Form 

Group: ELA Department

Step 7: *Conditional: This step will only run if the product has tag “math”

Name: Math Curriculum Review

Form: Curriculum Review Form 

Group: Math Department

Step 8: 

Name: Final Step 

Form: Final Decision Form 

Group: Contract Review Group 


Other examples of Date Driven Workflows:

DPA Expiration Date: 90 days before DPA expires, send notification to all department leads, updates the privacy status to unknown, assigns a data privacy review

Post Approval Check up: 90 days after product was approved, send notification to Teaching & Learning to check on usage, and ask them to use LearnPlatform to assign Feedback requests to the top 20 users. Use the data collected to determine if this product should still be listed in your organizations library

Review Cycle: Create the date column “Needs Review” that will initiate a review of a product every 2 years.

Enhanced Visibility 

Tags & Filters can be used to enhance visibility of the process. Tags can be edited after each review step to show the step that was completed. A filter can be created so that products can be sorted to show all the products that have completed a specific review step. A list can be created to show review steps completed within the product overview page.  

Notifications can be sent after each review step. Embedded text allows the notification to include the step that was just completed and/or the step that it is moving to. Notifications can be sent to individuals, groups, and/or the Requestor.