Canvas Classic Quiz Import Tips & Tricks




Types of Classic Quizzes Supported in Mastery Connect 

  • As a reminder, for trackers linked to Canvas, a new tracker icon is available to import Classic Quizzes into Mastery Connect. Once converted, these become draft assessments in the tracker assessment list.
  • All item types with the exception of File Upload and Formula will convert to items in Mastery Connect, but only graded classic quizzes will be available for import.
  • A quiz does not have to be published in the course to be imported into Mastery Connect. Any Classic Quiz text items will be converted to passages. 
  • All questions in a Classic Quiz are imported into the draft Mastery Connect assessment as individual items. 
    • Note: Question groups are not supported. Quiz settings such as Shuffle, Feedback, Attempts, Time Limits, and others are not supported as they are Canvas-specific features.

Bulk Actions for Classic Quiz Imports 

  • A new option for item-based assessments is the ability to bulk align standards to questions when importing from Classic Quizzes.
  • To finalize and publish a converted Classic Quiz into a Mastery Connect assessment, teachers must align each question to a standard and select a destination bank in order to finalize and create the assessment. 
  • Bulk actions allow you to align all or some of the items at once in three clicks. 

Selecting Destination Item Banks

  • To identify an item bank destination:
    • Select the destination bank in the item window.
    • If you want to change the destination before creating and publishing the assessment, you can also change it by clicking the draft item in the item organizer and changing the destination in the item preview.
  • Draft items will be in one of two states until an assessment they are included in is finalized and ready for use: 
    • (1) If a draft item has a standard alignment, a destination item bank, and a point value, it will show with a draft tag until the assessment is published.
    • (2) If a draft item does not have a standard alignment, a destination bank, or a point value, it will be in a non-publishable state and have an orange bar across the top. 
      • The assessment will not be publishable until all draft items are publishable. 

When a draft assessment is complete and created by the user, all items will be added to the chosen item banks, and the assessment can be shared with other teachers in the district.

PRO TIP: What should I do with my original Canvas Classic Quiz after it has been imported into Mastery Connect?
  • The original Classic Quiz is not replaced in modules or in linked pages in the Canvas course.
  • It is recommended that you DELETE the original Canvas Classic Quiz once it has been converted.


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These tips & tricks for importing Classic Quizzes into Mastery Connect will better support the Canvas + Mastery Connect integration, save users time when creating assessments, and make the overall user experience in Mastery Connect more seamless, efficient, and effective!

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