Total Activity Report

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In a course's People list, each user has their total activity (hh:mm:ss) listed. Is there any way a teacher in the course could export this data as a report? Or as an admin, for the entire account activity? It would be ideal if admins could report on total activity at account level (all users in the account, total amount of time spent in platform and/or in each course they are enroled on) or at least in each course. This would give a sense of the type of interaction, especially for courses that ave a lot of reading content and/or discussion board etc.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Personally, I would caution against reading too much into the total activity time.  While it is useful to know if the user has spent at least some time in a course vs never accessed the course, we have seen the data get significantly skewed and become unreliable for more in-depth analysis. 

For example, we have seen some users in a course with extremely high amounts of total activity that seemed unrealistic.  As far as we can tell from some limited testing, it appears that the total activity time may continue to increase if they are logged in to the course with an active session, even if they aren't actively on that tab in their browser.  Thus, by leaving it open overnight this can significantly increase the total activity time even though the user isn't actively engaging in the course.

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