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EdF services

EdF services

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Website: www.edf.globalInfo: Support:
C/ Santa Amalia 2, entlo 9
46009 Valencia, Spain
Phone: +34 963 813 575linkedin.png    
We are always striving to improve learning with our educational technologies.     We are 100% e-learning. Since 2006 providing edtech quality services.



EDF is made up of senior staff who are specialised in educational technology at university and corporate levels. We are providing SaaS services, integrated solutions and new functionalities to help broaden our clients' learning potential.

We are specialised in transforming our clients' needs into software components that provide excellent transparency in terms of functional and graphic use that operates with industry standards. One example is LTI, which guarantees functional and data interoperability throughout the institution´s educational software.

For Canvas adopter institutions, we work in two main lines of work;

  • Data Integrations
  • Customizations 

In the data integration line, we help institutions integrate Canvas with data from other solutions, as well as migrate data from other learning management systems. 

We create custom tools using the LTI standard in the line of Customizations. In this way, we offer the same user experience and recommendations using Instructure’s interface libraries. 

Additionally, we improve the user experience by developing corporate themes and providing extended functionality through customized scripts. 

Our specialisation in educational technology and our evolution with Canvas adopters has led us to achieve an exceptional understanding of the Canvas system and its API. Thanks to this, we have built an extensive volume of shared technology and libraries that make our developments solid, well tested and stable, thus reducing processing times without sacrificing quality.

It is the only way to execute projects that guarantee the desired quality in the scope and time agreed.

Data Integration Services.

Our years of experience in data integrations have led us to achieve data transfer from different perspectives.

  • Integration of accounts, subaccounts, hierarchies, programmes, courses.
  • Integration of data from other LMS such as courses, assignments or exams.
  • Integration of users, directory systems, databases or LDAP, amongst others.
  • Integration of calendars.
  • Integration of video conference rooms and recordings from multiple systems.
  • Integration of institution applications using Live Events.
  • Integration of various communication channels.
  • Integration of grades and outcomes with external systems.

What mainly makes us stand out is our competent knowledge of technologies and knowing how to work with them to find solutions for our clients` needs. 


In the line of customizations, we develop and integrate tools using the LTI 1.3 standard, extending educational functionalities to enhance the client's needs. Moreover, we take great care and respect the guides given by Canvas, using their UI libraries, ensuring that our applications adhere to the Canvas aesthetic. 

Examples of developments could be a new Gradebook with extended functions and adaptation to the country`s grade schema;  assessment system with automated certification; course management with the possibility of incorporating material from previous editions; a sign-up system for consultations with the teacher; video conference room tools and recording capacities with different systems;  institutional calendar tools, and many more.

Testimonials & Samples.



Kate Welsby. Project Manager. IT Services 

"The EDF developers quickly integrated into the two projects for which they were contracted, proving to be reliable, flexible and credible members of the team. Their ability to adapt to fast-moving project work and to get up to speed with new deliverables has been extremely valuable in achieving project objectives and timelines”.


Marina San José (Basque Culinary Center. Elearning Project Manager):

"The collaboration with EDF creating apps and integrating applications with Canvas has been optimal for us. Particularly, the user experienced the design of the proposed application and the development with good quality.

They are always ready to search for new solutions if needed."


Complete Gradebook adapted to Chile's national qualifications, integrating data with other resources.

Contact us

In the edTech field, we collaborate with prestigious international universities to share knowledge and keep technology in common for these purposes.

If you have any needs in this area, we would be delighted to organize a meeting to discuss possible opportunities further. 

Version history
Last update:
‎06-05-2024 02:13 AM
Updated by:
Collective Credentials