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Partner Listing: Everspring

Partner Listing: Everspring





Resource Hub:  


Chicago, IL

Resource Hub: 

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The new era of higher education is data-driven, tech-enabled and student-centered. Everspring gets you there.

We know what works in higher ed. We powerfully combine AI-enabled platforms and consulting services for enrollment, retention, and hybrid course delivery. Everything we do is rooted in data, offering flexibility for unmatched efficiency and transparency—resulting in real, measurable success.

Everspring is a leading provider of education technology and service solutions. Our advanced technology, proven marketing approach, research-backed instructional design services, and robust faculty support deliver outstanding outcomes for our university partners, powering their success online. Everspring offers a range of full-service turnkey solutions, as well as standalone single service offerings, and innovative self-service products that enable universities to establish and maintain themselves as leaders in the digital delivery of education. Based in Chicago, Everspring serves a growing number of colleges and universities, nationwide.





Address each item in the table below either by inserting text directly or providing a link to your own resources. Delete these instructions before publishing.

HECVAT status  
Data encryption address at rest and in transit
Countries of data storage  
Data storage method (cloud, owned data center, hybrid)
Data retention policy  
Incident management program, policy, and testing  
Disaster recovery and business continuity plan and testing  
Security Standard Certificates (e.g., SSAE No. 18 SOC 2, PCI-DSS, NIST, ISO, etc.)
Third party testing and security controls practices  



Address each item in the table below either by inserting text directly or providing a link to your own resources. Delete these instructions before publishing.

Privacy policy link  
COPPA policy link  
Privacy department/officer contact:   
Types of data collected  
Personally identifiable or personal data collected  
Data Deletion Request Process  
Third Party Data Sharing & Opt-out  
Cookies or Tracking Technologies used  
Analytics performed on Customer Data  
Data correlation practices (across customers or create profiles)
Privacy Certifications or Seals  
Targeted Advertising using user data  
Privacy or data protection impact assessments  
Privacy Law Compliance  


Version history
Last update:
‎04-04-2024 01:08 PM
Updated by:
Collective Credentials