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Partner Listing: iDesign

Partner Listing: iDesign

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About us

iDesign partners with universities to build, grow and support online and blended courses and program offerings. iDesign helps our partners build, grow, and support online and blended learner experiences.  We bring to bear a combination of deep instructional design expertise and impeccable service to deliver certainty.  The certainty that our design teams will flex to meet the diverse expectations of faculty and subject matter experts while implementing research-based effective design practices.  And the certainty that the learner experiences we create will fulfill the project's vision and adhere to the specified budget and timeline.

Program Planning

Successful and sustainable programs require community buy-in and thoughtful planning.  When faced with divergent attitudes toward digital instruction and an ever-changing edtech landscape, that can feel like a tall order.  iDesign deftly guides our partners through a collaborative process to refine and flesh out their initial vision in a comprehensive program charter, building internal stakeholder support along the way.

Instructional Design and Development

iDesign learning architects partner directly with your faculty and subject matter experts, walking them through the full design process and directing a team who develops content in your learning technology ecosystem.  Along the way, we share research-based effective practices and proactive design suggestions, ensuring that faculty feel informed, comfortable, and in control.

Live Teaching Support

Dedicated live teaching support frees up your instructors to focus on students as opposed to instructional technology.  Though edtech tools are increasingly familiar to students, faculty may lag a bit.  Our live teaching support services include hands-on training and individual consultation.  Anytime faculty has an issue with learning management systems or related tools, you can expect skilled support staff to jump in so your courses are delivered flawlessly.

Continuous Improvement

While iDesign-created courses are nearly flawless, honest educators know we can always do better.  Each live offering of a course is an opportunity to learn and iterate.  iDesign embraces and facilitates data-driven continuous improvement.  We compile and analyze course-level data, evaluating content with learner outcomes at the top of mind.  iDesign’s learning architects then make suggestions to improve the student experience, which are reviewed with faculty and administration before implementation.


Core values

Pairing candor with care

Honesty is the best policy in our book.  We are forthcoming internally with our colleagues and externally with our partners.  Even if being transparent makes us and others feel vulnerable, it comes from a desire to do the right thing.

Balancing quality and efficiency

With our best-in-class instructional design and marketing expertise, we push multiple projects forward quickly.  Our experts have seen every online challenge imaginable and reprioritize tasks without sacrificing quality or service.

Relating to clients as partners

We want to be thought partners, not simply vendors.  With every project, we embrace shared ownership and consider our partners’ success our success and vice versa.  From our perspective, success is measured not only by financial growth but also by stakeholder satisfaction and learner experience quality.

Listening and evolving together

While iDesign-created courses are nearly flawless, honest educators know we can always do better.  Each live offering of a course is an opportunity to learn and iterate.  iDesign embraces and facilitates data-driven continuous improvement.  We compile and analyze course-level data, evaluating content with learner outcomes at the top of mind.  iDesign’s learning architects then make suggestions to improve the student experience, which are reviewed with faculty and administration before implementation.


Accessibility is integrated into all our instructional design services. We ensure that all content that we develop for/with our partners meets ADA and WCAG 2 AA standards. We also adhere to universal design for learning principles, which go beyond ADA. Aspects of accessibility that we consider in course design include: screen reader compatibility, color contrast, alt-text for any images, closed captioning and/or transcripts for video, consistent visual cues for the learner, simplified visual navigation, and mobile device compatibility.

Version history
Last update:
‎04-11-2022 09:41 AM
Updated by:
Collective Credentials