Help getting started with grade transferral

Community Novice

Okay, our district is just getting our feet wet with Canvas grades into IC.  So, of course, I have a few questions.

Here is the biggest one so far

  • We are using SGR grading and have set up a rubric to grade student work, will those individual pieces of grade be transferred to IC or only the total grade?
  • What part of the category names need to match?  We also use Tableau reporting for our admin team.
  • Do the grades need to be in the same order?
  • What if we don't grade a certain standard on a project.  I grade in 3 areas Design, Production, Technical Application. What if I don't want to grade Design when students do a canned tutorial?  Do I put in a zero for the Design section of the rubric and just alter my numbers for the grades in IC?

Thank you for your help

Rich Bright