SIS Conversion FAQ

Below is a list of the most commonly asked questions about SIS conversions.

What is a SIS conversion?
A SIS conversion is the process of changing the integration method for Canvas and/or Mastery Connect when production data already exists in these instances. This includes but is not limited to the following changes:

  • From manually managing data (via the user interface or CSV files) to an Instructure managed integration
  • From a Clever/Classlink integration to a direct integration with the SIS
  • From a SIS managed integration to an Instructure managed integration
  • From one SIS provider to another (ex: Skyward → Infinite Campus)

Is there a cost associated with doing a SIS Conversion?
Yes, a SIS conversion requires the purchase of services from the Implementations team. Please reach out to your CSM/CSM team for more information.

What is included with a SIS conversion?
The Project and Technical Consultants assigned to your conversion will manage the project and complete the following tasks:

  1. Disable the existing integration (if applicable)
  2. Configure the new integration
  3. Ensure users don’t lose access to existing content by:
    1. Customizing the new integration to match existing Canvas user IDs OR
    2. Remapping user IDs in Canvas to match the identifiers in the new SIS
  4. Remap sub-accounts (if applicable)
  5. Enable grade passback (if applicable)

What is not included with a SIS conversion?
The following tasks are out of scope for a SIS conversion and would require the purchase of Technical Consulting hours:

  • Custom mappings for data objects beyond our default integration templates including but not limited to:
    • Admin integration
    • Custom Parent/Observer integration (if this integration doesn’t already exist with your current integration)
    • Custom filtering based on object data (ex: only import courses that have a course code that ends in “x”)
    • Specific course/sub-account mappings (ex: English Courses go into an ELA sub-account)
  • Remapping course and section IDs to match the new integration
    • Note: This only applies to mid-year conversions and may or may not be possible depending on what values are currently being used for provisioning courses/sections into Canvas.
  • Adjusting sub-accounts (ex: moving prior integration courses into new SIS-created sub-accounts and/or sub-account cleanup)

When can a SIS conversion take place?
SIS conversions are the least disruptive when they can be completed in the summer as a part of the rollover process to the next school year. SIS conversions can also be completed mid-year, typically between semesters. Mid-year conversions are somewhat disruptive to active courses in Canvas, in that new course shells will be created as a part of the process.

What are the differences between a summer conversion and a mid-year conversion?
The main difference between summer and mid-year conversions is the creation of duplicate course shells during a mid-year conversion. Q1, Q2, and Semester 1 course shells can be deleted during the conversion. Full year, Q3, Q4, and Semester 2 courses will have duplicates and will need to be addressed by teachers/admins in one of two ways:

  1. Recommended: Export the course content from the original courses and import them into the new ones.
    1. Note: Grades and submissions will not move over to the new course shells
  2. Cross-list the new sections into the original course shells.
    1. Note: While this does allow grades and submissions to remain intact, it will create duplicate sections in the course and can affect grade passback functionality.

How long does it take to complete a SIS conversion?
On average, a SIS conversion takes 4-6 weeks to complete. Project and Technical Consultants will be assigned to the conversion 6 weeks before the go-live date of the new integration. Access to working SIS credentials and production data is required at least 3 weeks before the go-live date.

What is the process for signing up for a SIS conversion?
To sign up for a SIS conversion, please contact your CSM/CSM team for more information. They will provide the link to the SIS Conversion Survey and next steps for purchasing the required services.

Are there limits on how many SIS conversions can be completed each year?
Yes, capacity is limited and can fluctuate year to year. For this reason, it is recommended that you sign up for a SIS conversion as soon as the need arises. Those that miss the cutoff for summer conversions can join the waitlist or pursue a mid-year conversion.

What steps can be taken to prepare for a SIS conversion?
Once a SIS conversion has been purchased, the following steps are recommended prior to kicking off the conversion:

  1. Confirm whether or not additional services are required by your SIS provider (ex. API access fees for OneRoster integrations).
  2. Ensure that you are able to secure working credentials from your SIS provider.
  3. Review Preparing for Your Canvas SIS Conversion to determine your preferences on the following:
    1. Course and section layout
    2. Terms organization
    3. Enrollment drop behavior