Timeline Question - Search Assignment comments?

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I am passing along a question from one of our Canvas Sister schools in NC.  We had a discussion about using Smart Search Beta and one school wanted to see if it was possible to search Teacher comments on Assignment submissions.  I communicated to the school that I didn't think it was possible at this time.  I had one of my team members research this more and confirmed my thoughts:

Search is currently scoped to query Content Pages, Announcements, Discussion Prompts, and Assignment Details within a course.

  • Please note that replies to discussions/announcements, assignment submissions, and content within Canvas Files is not queried at this time.
  • the scope of the queries will likely expand during the beta period.


From Smart Search Experimental Beta FAQ Document

What content is searched?

As of April 10, 2024, the Search feature is querying the following items within a course: content pages, announcements, discussion prompts and assignment descriptions.  The intention is to expand this scope as the Smart Search tool continues development.


My new question is...will this eventually be available with the Smart Search tool?

Appreciate your help in advance!

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Yes, this will eventually be available in the Smart Search tool if a user has the appropriate permissions to view teacher comments. We don't have an exact timeline for when it will be implemented, but it is fully on our radar. 

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