Dropbox + Canvas

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Dropbox and the Canvas team have been working together since 2018 to support the learning experience for students and faculty. With the launch of the new deep integration, we’re excited to make it even easier to get the best out of Dropbox and Canvas.

How does the new integration work?

1. From Dropbox, directly submit assignments and upload course content to Canvas without needing to switch apps. Spend less time wrangling your content and focus on what matters.


2. In Canvas, easily bring in Dropbox content with just one click. 


3. Admins can empower students and faculty self-serve integration how-to and best practices from the in-Canvas landing page. 


What should I expect from the new integration?

Here’s how this new integration will help students:

  • Less jumping from app to app. You can keep all your work organized in Dropbox, and then upload straight to Canvas without switching back and forth.
  • Streamlined submissions. Whether you’re in Dropbox or Canvas, you’ll be able to submit work with just a few clicks.
  • Improved collaboration. Use shared folders in Dropbox to work on projects with other students, then attach the final file to your Canvas course.

Faculty using Canvas will benefit, too, with:

  • Centralized course content. Keep all your lecture slides, videos, and reading assignments in Dropbox and easily add to Canvas courses, or reuse your department’s shared material to set up repeat courses.
  • Streamlined sharing. When you’re setting up a new course in Canvas, you can pull study resources, syllabi, and other materials straight from Dropbox.
  • Simplified assignment collection. Students can submit their assignments from Dropbox, making it easier to get everything in your hands for review.


More on the experience in Canvas

  • Easily bring in Dropbox content anywhere the rich content editor lives in Canvas. Head to More External Tools > and select Dropbox from the Dropdown. 


Are you a Canvas admin? 

  • To enable the app in Canvas, install it by heading to your Canvas or course Settings > then search for it in Apps.
  • To complete setup for the integration in Dropbox, toggle on the inherited Developer Keys for Dropbox in your Admin Settings

Questions? Contact Dropbox with questions about this integration: 

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The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.