3 Best Practices to Help Staff Maximize LearnPlatform This School Year

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Whether your district is new to LearnPlatform or long-time users, ongoing staff education is essential to making sure everyone’s bought in and maximizing benefits. With the growing number of edtech tools, it’s more important than ever to streamline tool vetting and request processes, ensure compliance with privacy regulations, and identify the most effective tools for your district. LearnPlatform can help you and your staff proactively manage edtech without working overtime. The new school year is a great time to provide a refresher and set everyone up for success with LearnPlatform–especially as we’ll be rolling out an updated look and feel in June. 

Here are 3 best practice tips for fall rollout of LearnPlatform that we’ve seen districts and schools successfully implement:

1. Consider the Timeline

Check your district’s calendar for potential collaboration opportunities. An existing event, like a scheduled professional development or workshop day, could be an ideal way to reiterate the benefits of LearnPlatform to staff. You may also want to see if there are any scheduled meetings where edtech products will be a topic of conversation. Consider employee and building schedules, including summer absences or possible construction projects, that may affect building availability or timelines– and make sure staff members hear about LearnPlatform well before the start of the school year. Planning around your audience can make a world of a difference in getting your message across!

2. Check the Tech

Be sure to account for anything that might require changes to your LearnPlatform account configurationsuch as a new Student Information System or app updatesbefore the start of the school year when activity in the tool will ramp up. This includes updating student and staff rosters, ensuring extensions are added and updated correctly on all devices, granting access to new admins, and verifying that Single Sign-On works properly.

3. Make a Communication Plan

Tailor your LearnPlatform communication plan to fit your specific educational ecosystem. Each school and district has a unique story, so develop a plan that demonstrates how LearnPlatform addresses your staff’s specific needs and pain points. We recommend a mix of communication modes including walkthrough videos, in-person professional development, and scheduled time with leadership. Leverage pre-existing channels like newsletters or the district website to make communication easy and effective. Need inspiration? Check out these customer examples:

>>Digital Tool Approval Process: Edmonds School District Website

>>Canyons School District Website

>>JCPS Flyer

>>Jordan School District Flyer

>>Aurora Public Schools video

>>Williamson County Schools Approval Process video

Looking for a deeper dive on fall training best practices? We put together this Teacher Rollout Kit with helpful product resources, communications templates, slide decks and more. You can also tune in for the next Virtual Office Hours on June 10 at 2pm ET to learn more about Product Vetting Workflows.




The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.