Addressing Your Feedback on Recent Discussion Checkpoints Changes



This morning, we gathered our product team to discuss your feedback on the recent Speedgrader changes that apply to all Discussions in the Discussion Checkpoints feature. We heard you loud and clear – the update disrupted your grading workflow, especially for those not using Discussion Checkpoints. We understand how frustrating this has been, and we’ve decided to disable Discussion Checkpoints effective immediately until we can respond to your feedback and needs. If institutions would like to utilize Checkpoints before it is reenabled, they can reach out to their CSMs.

Note: If your institution has enabled Discussion Checkpoints, it remains enabled. Your institution can disable it by adjusting the feature flag. When the Feature Flag is disabled, Checkpoint Discussions will show a banner message informing instructors that it was disabled. Instructors will need to edit the discussion to update the due date. Points and assigned users will remain unchanged.

Here are the main concerns you’ve shared and how we are addressing them:

Speedgrader Changes Impacting All Discussions:

  • The Issue: The updated Discussion experience in Speedgrader, designed to optimize the grading experience for Discussion Checkpoints, was applied to all discussions, even those without checkpoints enabled. 
  • Our Solution: While our initial group of testers felt that these features would be beneficial to all Speedgrader users, we are hearing now that many others disagree. We will work to incorporate this additional perspective into an update that will allow users to choose either version.

Accessibility Concerns:

  • The Issue: Concerns have been raised about the accessibility of the updated Speedgrader interface. More specifically around the newly added Previous Reply and Next Reply buttons, their placement on the page, and how they behave when navigating an individual user’s posts. 
  • Our Solution: We are committed to providing an inclusive and accessible learning environment for everyone. We’ll be re-testing the updated Speedgrader interface, making some UX changes, and quickly addressing any reported accessibility issues to ensure it meets the highest accessibility standards.

Addressing Issues in Large Courses:

  • We are looking into the performance issues some instructors are experiencing with the changes to Speedgrader in large courses with high student enrollment. Our development team is actively investigating and optimizing the system to ensure smooth and efficient grading for all course sizes.

Benefits of the New Discussions Experience in Speedgrader:

The latest updates to the new Discussions experience in Speedgrader were developed in partnership with our users, who told us they were looking for these benefits:

  • Enhanced Context: Instructors can now view student responses within the context of the entire discussion thread, including the original prompt and other replies, and reply directly from Speedgrader. This provides a more holistic understanding of student engagement and participation.
  • Updated Navigation: The "previous" and "next" buttons allow for more efficient grading, especially for longer discussions with multiple participants.
  • Seamless Integration with Checkpoints: The changes to Speedgrader provide a streamlined and intuitive grading experience for instructors using Discussion Checkpoints.
  • Integration with Third-Party Tools: The integration with discussion checkpoints lays the groundwork for integration with tools like Turn-It-In or other AI detection tools to verify the authenticity of student work.

Discussion Checkpoints - Optional and Flexible:

  • Discussion Checkpoints are completely optional. Admins can enable or disable them at the root level for your institution based on your teaching needs and preferences. The feature is turned off by default.

Moving Forward:

We are committed to addressing your feedback and continuously improving the Canvas experience. We will keep you updated on the progress of these improvements and provide clear communication about any upcoming changes.  Feedback will be collected through a Maze survey shared below. The survey is a follow-up to feedback given by Canvas Community members and will further explore issues related to how Speedgrader works with discussions, especially checkpointed discussions. 

We believe that these changes have the potential to significantly enhance the grading workflow for discussions. We appreciate your engagement, patience, and understanding as we work to make Discussion Checkpoints a reality.

We encourage you to continue sharing your feedback and suggestions. Your input is invaluable in helping us shape the future of Canvas.

Community Explorer

We have kept Discussion Checkpoints on at our institution to avoid even more confusion for instructors. We are noticing a few student submissions are being marked "late" even though they are being submitted on time. Instructors can't seem to remove the "late" label, but students are not being marked off. Wondering if anyone else is having this issue?

Community Explorer

Please give us the back option to view all posts and replies by student in Speedgrader ASAP!

It has taken me almost 6 hours to grade one discussion post since this change as I have to type in each of the 120 names in the search box to see their responses. It used to take me less than an hour.  I require my students to post their original response and then reply to two peers. The current version makes it impossible to grade their responses. It is beyond frustrating! 

Community Member

Just echoing what others have said: The previous version of speedgrader was actually functional; this one is clunky, time-consuming, and only rarely even loads to the student it's supposed to.

Please at least give us the old, working view as an option. 

Community Member

Discussion Checkpoints - Optional and Flexible:

  • Discussion Checkpoints are completely optional. Admins can enable or disable them at the root level for your institution based on your teaching needs and preferences. The feature is turned off by default.

It would be nice if the faculty could choose to enable in their own course. Admin > not locked. 

Then if they don't like it, they can turn it off themselves. 

Community Participant

Discussion Checkpoints - Optional and Flexible:

  • Discussion Checkpoints are completely optional. Admins can enable or disable them at the root level for your institution based on your teaching needs and preferences. The feature is turned off by default.

But the negative effects of this rollout are unavoidable. We were told Canvas would have a hot fix by 2/6. Where is it? @SamGarza1, you and I met, and you said fixing these bugs was a high priority. Meanwhile, faculty at my institution have literally stopped using discussions because of this. This rollout is negatively affecting online pedagogy. Where is the hot fix?

Community Contributor

We have many faculty who apply a rubric to their Discussions. If I'm missing it here, sorry. But we found that the Rubric ratings could be selected in speedgrader with Discussion Checkpoints on, but Rubric points did not go into the Gradbook. All our instructors would have to manually enter the discussion grade in the grade book. Our faculty would have to choose between using Checkpoints and using a Rubric. Will something be done to integrate these features?

Community Novice

This new update has increased the time it takes me to grade a simple discussion post by at least 6 times! This is unacceptable, and there is no reason an update should have made every aspect of SpeedGrader worse. There should be a way to opt out of this pointless update that only wastes time. Why hasn’t this been fixed yet? Please hurry up and get this resolved.


Community Participant

@SamGarza1 , Canvas's recent silence about the negative effects of Recent Discussion Checkpoints Changes has been deafening. Please weigh in.