Eight Recent Updates to the LearnPlatform Inventory Dashboard You Should Know About

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.



The Inventory Dashboard is a powerful tool to understand at a high-level all of the edtech being used by educators and students in your district–including tools that may be unapproved or unmanaged. We’re constantly working to make sure the data in the Inventory Dashboard is more accurate, more useful, and more contextualized. 

We want to highlight eight recent updates to the LearnPlatform Inventory Dashboard to help you feel more in control of your edtech ecosystem this school year. Watch the video below to see these features in action, or read on for a brief summary of all the new functionality!

  1. We’re now reporting tracking domains attached to individual products in the Inventory Dashboard so administrators know exactly where the data is coming from–and can get in touch with us if it doesn’t look accurate.
  2. We’ve added a new column in the Inventory Dashboard that lists ‘parent company’ of a product to help streamline privacy and approval processes when vendors have multiple products. This should be especially useful in the case of free or ‘freemium’ tools.
  3. We’re now providing visibility to the building site information for educator usage data to give administrators a more complete view of their data, and make it easier to communicate those insights down to building-level administrators.
  4. Building-level admins can now be given read-only access to their site-specific data–reach out to your CSM if you’re interested in leveraging this functionality.
  5. We’ve added ‘New Users’ and ‘New Schools’ fields to the Inventory Dashboard to provide administrators with increased visibility to trending edtech use in their district.
  6. Administrators now have the ability to hide educator usage data in their Inventory Dashboards for greater privacy/security if sharing data with third parties.
  7. We’ve improved the navigation experience by adding direct links to individual Product Pages from the Inventory Dashboard to quickly review evidence and information associated with edtech products.
  8. We’ve added ‘Users per Site’ as a built-in table in product details pages to provide administrators with easier access to how tool usage breaks down district-wide, saving administrators time from having to filter by individual sites.

Looking for a deep-dive on how to set up, manage, and interpret your Inventory Dashboard? Check out this comprehensive Help Center article on Accessing and Understanding the Inventory Dashboard Data.

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.