Essential Accessibility Updates: Review Your Beta Instances!

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UPDATE: Production release day has been moved to July 22nd (Monday) to ensure institutions have enough time to check and adjust their customisations. 

In order to help institutions identify the changes, here's a summary of the changes we've made.

  • one of the changes was about the user menu in the header
  • one change about the listing card on cart checkout and bulk checkout pages
  • one change about introducing pagination on the main page
  • many changes about fixing the headers on all the pages: every page has a H1 heading and then the headings are in proper order
  • many changes about fixing the landmarks on all the pages


In more detail here are the names of the bugs we needed to fix:

- Admin menu does not work well with KO navigation
- Cart/Checkout - nested interactive controls, SR blocked
- R only H2 on Home Page should be an H1
- Account Dropdown Menu - does not contain KO or SR focus
- Catalog enroll page needs proper landmarks
- Course Details page - Header and Main Landmarks are contained in other landmarks (also Header and Main)
- Create Account Page - Nested Main Landmarks
- Cart/Checkout - Nested Landmarks, 2 Main Landmarks
- All Pages - Landmarks are nested and duplicated
- Cart/Checkout - Page has 2 H1s, skips heading levels
- Checkout Timeout page - skipped heading levels
- All pages - Content title should be H1s
- Some pages have more than 1 H1
- Heading issues throughout Catalog
- Logo is set to H1 site-wide
- Heading hierarchy on course details page not WCAG compliant, 2 H1s
- Create Account Page - Does not have an H1
- SR UX of course "cards" on Home Page could be improved with UL and breaking up card details
- Infinite scroll/load on home page


Dear Canvas Catalog Users,

We’re excited to announce that on June 25, 2024 (Tuesday), we will release important accessibility-related bug fixes to the Canvas Catalog beta environment. This update will include changes to the HTML structure, which may impact your existing JS/CSS customisations.

To ensure a smooth transition in your production environment, please review your beta instances and verify that everything functions as expected. If any issues arise, please make sure to make the necessary adjustments.
Production release will happen on July 22, 2024 (Monday).

Key changes on the main page to note:

  • all pages will have an H1 heading, including the main page
  • on the main page there will be a pagination instead of  the Load more button
  • user menu in the header will be changed - e.g. instead of <div id="user-nav" /> there will be <div id="header-menu-container" />

At Instructure, accessibility is a top priority. This update is a significant step towards making Catalog fully responsive and achieving our goal of a published VPAT. )

For any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

The Catalog Team

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.