Fewer Buttons

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Instructure Alumni

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We started the conversation on How Many Buttons Is Enough? about the split buttons the Canvas RCE uses. If you didn't read that post, the tl;dr is that split buttons are bad for accessibility, bad for mobile, and no longer considered good UI practice. As you can see in the gif above, several buttons that used to be split are now single action buttons. This is a big win for accessibility and usability for the RCE! Some buttons are still split until we can do more to improve their functionality (e.g. replacing the color picker entirely with a more accessible color picker) so for those we made the click targets bigger for each "half" of the split button to help reduce misclicks and frustration.

And for anyone mourning the loss of the "quick action" that the icon side of the split button previously afforded, don't forget the RCE now supports drag and drop? 😉


The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.