Mastery Connect Roadmap Update

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We are moving up the timeline on our development of New Quizzes Conversion to Mastery Assessments and providing you with a Student Experience Preview on the assessment builder. 


Classic Quizzes conversion to Mastery Assessments is coming first, and now you won’t need to wait as long for the conversion of New Quizzes. We are working as quickly as we can to have this ready for you early in the school year, so you have access to all your quizzes content. 


The new assessment creation experience allows you to create assessments quickly and easily, but the ability to preview the assessment as a student provides an even better experience. The student preview will allow the educator to click through the experience as if they were a student while creating the assessment. No clicking out, assigning, or logging in as a student just to see how it looks. Our goal is to make assessment creation as efficient and as easy as possible.


In order to move up the timeline for these features the item authoring popover has been removed from our roadmap, but don’t worry, we are still thinking about this feature and plan to bring it to you at a later date. 


The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.