Online Attendance Update: Allow instructors to set attendance criteria at the course level

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TLDR: Canvas admins will have the ability to allow instructors to set online attendance criteria at the course level on December 8, 2021  

UPDATE 12/7/21: We're pushing this release forward by one day because Amazon Web Services (AWS) is currently experiencing an outage that is affecting some Canvas users hosted in the IAD (North American) region. 

Online Attendance criteria is about to get more flexible

When we rolled out the Online Attendance dashboard in New Analytics earlier this fall, the Online Attendance criteria were configurable at the root account level only. For many of you, this functionality wasn’t flexible enough. We heard your concerns, and we’ve added a new setting that allows you to give instructors the ability to set Online Attendance criteria at the course level. 

This will be released to both beta and production on December 8, 2021. We plan to release this next week so as many of you as possible can see this feature before the holiday break. This is also under the New User and Course Analytics feature option, so you will only see this update if you have that turned on. 

Canvas admins will select the default attendance criteria

In the New Analytics LTI tool settings, under the “Configure” menu, you will see a new toggle: Allow instructors to set Online Attendance Criteria at the course level.

New Analytics App ConfigurationNew Analytics App Configuration

(Tip: to get to this modal from your admin dashboard, go to the Settings menu item > Apps tab > View App Configurations button.)

If you enable this toggle, instructors will see the Online Attendance dashboard in New Analytics for each of their courses and be able to select their own criteria. The Online Attendance criteria will default to the criteria you’ve selected at the admin level. 

Online Attendance Configurable MenuOnline Attendance Configurable Menu

Instructors can update the Online Attendance criteria or disable the dashboard

Now, instructors can update the attendance criteria for their course or choose to disable the dashboard entirely. 


A note about account vs. sub account settings

A few of you have asked if it’s possible to configure the Online Attendance criteria at the sub account level instead of the root account level. Currently, it’s not. We built course-level settings because, based on your feedback, it was a clear need and because configuring the New Analytics LTI tool this way also allowed us to deliver this feature much faster. 



Let us know what you think over in Releases Q&A: 2021-12-07 New Analytics Instructor Attendance, and thanks for all of your hard work teaching and supporting educators this year! 


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The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.