Poetic Commons

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

April is National Poetry Month, so we thought it would be 'poetic' to feature Commons resources that align with this theme. From rhyme to rhythm, here were the resources that stood out.


Poetry Literary Devices

If you're looking for a simple pop quiz to post in your high-school writing class this month, look to Rosa Gaskins. She has created the perfect resource for you. Check out her quiz "Poetry Literary Devices" and import this short 10-question quiz into your course today. (We must admit, we took the quiz and it was painfully easy - how's that for an oxymoron! Ha!)


I've Got Rhythm...

For a more comprehensive resource, check out the module entitled "Reading Review with Rhyme and Rhythm" by Mary Weir, from Charlottesville City Schools. This lesson breaks down poetry elements into different 'activity stations' (aka pages), which could be great for 7, 8 graders. Students watch videos at each station to learn about tone, mood, figurative language, inferences, and more! Each station are links to Youtube videos and discussion prompts. There are some stand-alone aspects of this module that one could import and re-mix (or fold) into a greater lesson. Or, keep the module as a whole. Overall, great way to deliver this topic.


Not Poetry, but a Classic

So, in our search for poetic resources, we found this gem: "The Three Little Pigs and Point of View" document shared by  @mgensel ​ from Elkhart Community Schools. This activity is designed so "students are able to analyze how the choice of language and evidence help the writer express their point of view." With 9 outcomes associated with this resource, a javascript:; teacher could leverage this assignment in their classrooms and modify it as they see fit.


Do you have a resource you want to share? Or, did you discover something in Commons unique to this month's poetry theme? We'd love to hear about it!



Want to import or download these resources from Commons?

Do a keyword search in Commons public: poems, poetry, rhythm, rhyme

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

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