Retirement of Mastery Connect Mobile Apps

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.



What’s Happening?

After careful consideration, we have decided to retire the Mastery Connect Teacher and Student mobile apps. These apps will be removed from the iOS and Android app stores this summer, with an official removal date set for June 27th. After this date, the apps will no longer be available for download and will not receive any further updates.

Why the Change?

The Mastery Connect team is dedicated to developing the best possible platform to support your assessment and standards-based learning goals. As part of this commitment, we are constantly reviewing our offerings to determine areas where we can improve to make it easier for you to assess learning and use those assessments to drive student mastery and outcomes.

In analyzing our mobile apps, we found that usage was low and the experience they offered was not up to our standards. Additionally, unique features offered by these apps, such as Evidence uploads, were not often used.

We made the decision to retire these applications so that we can redirect our efforts towards mobile-first web development. This approach will allow us to focus on enhancing accessibility and usability of our platform across all devices, ensuring a seamless experience whether you're on a desktop or mobile device.

What This Means for You

Some features will be impacted by this change:

Evidence Uploads: This feature, which allowed teachers to upload student work, will be discontinued. Evidence Uploads was a feature that was only available on our mobile applications, and saw limited use.

Gradecam Functionality: The ability to scan bubble-sheet responses via mobile will also be retired. This feature is still available in the desktop web experience. View our guide to learn how to access GradeCam via desktop.

What Should You Do Next?

While the apps won’t be automatically removed from your devices, they will stop receiving updates, and some functions might stop working over time. We recommend educators and students remove the apps from their devices and begin using Mastery Connect through your web browser or the Canvas mobile apps.

Looking Ahead

We’re committed to meeting your needs on mobile devices. Our focus will shift to making our web platform even better, ensuring it works great on all screens and meets high accessibility standards. We want to work to improve our student experiences for mobile devices, and in particular Mastery Connect experiences within Canvas.

Have Questions?

If you need any assistance or have questions, please reach out to our support team. We are here to help and ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible for you and your students.


The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.