Shifting Gears: How the Canvas Catalog team is evolving the development approach



In the past, Catalog development has been driven by large-scale projects—monumental efforts like the Analytics tab or User defined fields that delivered immense value to our users. These developments were carefully planned and designed to address a wide array of needs in one release, and while they brought significant improvements, they also came with their own set of challenges—longer development cycles, greater complexity, and delayed feedback.

As we look toward the future, we’re excited to announce a strategic shift in how we approach product development. Instead of concentrating on a few large, slower-moving projects, we are now focusing on delivering more developments faster, each with a smaller, targeted scope. This iterative, feedback-driven model will allow us to be more agile, responsive, and user-centric—benefiting both our users and our team in meaningful ways.

The new development approach: think small, move fast, iterate

Instead of spending months or even years building a feature that tries to solve every potential problem from the outset, we are opting for a more nimble approach. Here’s how it works:

  1. Start small: We’ll begin with a smaller, targeted feature or enhancement, developing it to address the core user needs.
  2. Early adopters: Once the initial version is ready, we’ll roll it out in beta. This will allow for you to test it in real-world scenarios and provide valuable feedback.
  3. Collect feedback: During the beta phase, we’ll actively listen to how you interact with the feature, what works, and what needs improvement.
  4. Refine & release: Based on the feedback, we’ll make any necessary adjustments and release the feature to the broader audience.
  5. Iterate: Even after the initial release, the work doesn’t stop. We’ll continue to enhance and refine the feature in subsequent versions, addressing new use cases, optimizing performance, and adding value over time.

Why this shift? The benefits of an iterative approach

  1. Faster delivery of value
    In the old model, large projects took significant time to reach users, sometimes creating frustration as you waited for solutions. By focusing on smaller scope developments, we’ll be able to deliver new features and improvements more quickly. This means you can start benefiting from new capabilities without waiting for a lengthy development cycle.
  2. Increased user involvement
    One of the major advantages of releasing smaller features in beta is that it brings you into the process much earlier. Your feedback will directly shape how the feature evolves, ensuring it aligns with real-world use and expectations. Instead of assuming what you need, we’ll be hearing it from you firsthand—and making adjustments accordingly.
  3. Greater flexibility and adaptability
    Smaller developments allow us to be more flexible in how we respond to changing user needs. In the past, large scope projects locked us into certain assumptions and made it harder to pivot. Now, if we see a need for a change or enhancement based on your feedback, we can course-correct much faster and more efficiently.
  4. Reduced complexity
    By narrowing our scope in each development cycle, we’re able to focus more intensely on quality, usability, and testing. The smaller scope reduces the risk of introducing bugs or other issues, and when problems do arise, they are easier to identify and fix quickly.
  5. Continuous improvement
    With this iterative model, there’s no pressure to get everything perfect in the first release. By releasing smaller versions and gathering feedback, we’ll be able to continuously improve and refine features, making them even better over time. This approach ensures that we’re always working toward a more polished, optimized product with each new version.

What this means for you?

For our users, this approach is all about creating a more responsive, user-centered Catalog experience. Instead of waiting months (or even longer) for new features, you’ll see a steady stream of updates and improvements—each one focused on delivering real value. The opportunity to participate in beta testing also gives you a direct line to our development team, allowing your voice to shape the future of Catalog in a tangible way.

You can expect greater transparency from our team as well. With smaller, more frequent releases, we’ll be able to keep you informed about what’s coming down the pipeline, what feedback we’re incorporating, and how we’re planning to address any pain points you identify.

Our commitment to continuous improvement

At the heart of this new development model is a commitment to continuous improvement. We understand that building a better product isn’t about delivering one giant solution and walking away—it’s about listening, learning, and evolving. By embracing smaller scope developments and an iterative process, we’re better positioned to adapt to your needs and deliver a product that grows alongside your expectations.

So, whether it’s a small enhancement or a larger, more complex feature that’s been refined through multiple iterations, you can trust that the Catalog team is working tirelessly to deliver the best possible experience for you. We’re excited about this new chapter in our development journey and look forward to your participation in shaping the future of Catalog.

Together, we’ll build something amazing—one step at a time.


What are your thoughts on this new approach? Let us know in the comments, or better yet, sign up for one of our beta releases and be a part of the change!