Subscription Changes to Product Blogs—for the Better!

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Our new Community platform is no longer quite so new, yet we keep finding ways to innovate and simplify your engagement with our product teams.

You may have noticed that all our product managers have started blogging more regularly. Yes, ALL of our product managers, for ALL of our products. More product managers means more posts, and more people (maybe you?) who are interested in reading posts about some products, but perhaps not others. (And that’s okay.)

Enter: labels.

The TLDR blog is now the one-stop shop for all product updates. Want to view updates for Portfolium? Click the Portfolium label. Or Canvas? Yup, the Canvas LMS label. Labels are located on the right sidebar of the blog page, and you can see how many posts have been written for each product. Some products merit more blog posts than others, of course, though you should see an update from your favorite product manager every month.

Labels support individual subscriptions, so you could choose to subscribe to posts with the Canvas LMS label and nothing else. Subscribing is as easy as clicking the label, and then clicking the Subscribe to This Label link at the top of the page.

Blog Label Subscription LinkBlog Label Subscription Link

If you want to continue receiving all blogs that are posted to the blogs page,
subscribe to the entire page.

Blog Subscription LinkBlog Subscription Link


Where Else Can I Find Blogs?

Roles & Interest Groups

Some of our interest groups allow YOU to post blogs about your experiences with a product along with linking to the product manager’s thoughts. 

Want to participate with us? Learn how to blog and get tips for posting a fabulous entry in the Canvas Community. 

User and Product BlogsUser and Product Blogs


Beta Feature User Groups

All Beta Feature User Groups also include a blog where product managers post updates about the overall project. Beta groups can be found at in the Beta Feature User Groups tab.

Product managers may post in user groups more often, so if you’re participating in a beta user group, be sure you’re subscribed to their updates! Blogs can be viewed from either the Helpful Links section, or via the Blogs link in the Contents section (and sometimes links will be in both sections).

Blog Links in the Canvas for Elementary User GroupBlog Links in the Canvas for Elementary User Group


Let us know if you have any questions, and happy reading & blogging!

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.