Updates to Support the Usability of the LearnCommunity Library

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With over 11,000 products, the LearnCommunity Library is used as the basis for educators to discover, research and vet edtech products to make informed decisions about learning technology solutions in their district. Along with reviews and certifications related to data privacy, interoperability, and digital pedagogy, plus Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)-aligned evidence and other research artifacts attached to products, the library also provides a mechanism for educators to easily share and access insights with their peers and community by providing feedback for tools they’ve used in their classroom.

The LearnCommunity Library has been largely informed by the contributing community of LearnPlatform educators and edtech providers. This has been immensely helpful towards capturing a large, comprehensive set of edtech products used across the market, but it has also created some duplicate product entries. That’s why we’ve invested time to remove duplicate product entries and implement improvements for management of the library going forward. This will improve the quality of data and insights educators receive both when using the LearnCommunity library for product vetting and through their own organization libraries. 

With these updates, LearnPlatform users can expect a couple key improvements to their experience:

  • When adding new products to their organization libraries, K-12 administrators will no longer see multiple entries for the same product, increasing confidence that they are adding the correct product, with the most up to date information.
  • Usage tracking from the Inventory Dashboard will be more consistent, ensuring K-12 administrators that they are tracking the correct products and getting accurate data.
  • Edtech providers can more easily update their product details so K-12 administrators trust they have accurate, up-to-date information for better decision-making.
  • A new ‘Retired’ product status will be added so that products that are no longer offered or supported by edtech providers can continue to be reflected in district libraries without being shown in the LearnCommunity library.

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Check out our help center for additional tips to get the most out of libraries in LearnPlatform. 

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

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