Account Registration and Student Pairing
In this video, you will learn about observer account registration and how to link students to your account using a student pairing code.
Last updated 2023-06-02
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Video overviews reflect current feature functionality in Canvas; they are updated based on workflow changes, not on minor or non-functional interface enhancements. Depending on your institution's Canvas theme, the Canvas interface may display differently than shown in this video, but the functionality is the same.
Account Registration and Student Pairing Video Script
In this video, you will learn about observer account registration and how to link students to your account using a student pairing code.
In a web browser, navigate to your institution’s Canvas login page. If you already have a Canvas account, log in by entering your username and password. If you do not have a Canvas account, you may be able to create your own account by clicking the Need a Canvas Account? link. To create an observer account, click the Parents sign up here link. Then, enter your name in the Name field and email address in the Your Email field. Your email address will become your Canvas login ID. Enter your desired password in the Password field and confirm it in the Re-enter password field. Next, enter a student pairing code in the Student Pairing Code field. Your student can generate and provide a pairing code for you. A teacher or administrator may be able to give you this code. This is a six-digit, case sensitive, alphanumeric code that can only be used one time. Once you’ve entered this information, click the checkbox to indicate that you agree with the Canvas terms of use and privacy policies. Then click the Start Participating button.
Once you’ve successfully logged into Canvas, you can link additional students to your account. To access your Observer settings, click the Account link in Global Navigation and click the Settings link. To open the Observing page, click the Observing link. To link another student to your account, enter a pairing code for the student in the Student Pairing Code field and click the Add Student button. Canvas displays the names for all students you are observing.
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