User Group Meeting: January 2020



  • Review Top 10 Areas of Priority


Roundtable discussion topics

  • Percentage scoring - Does this cause challenges for others?

  • Conferences / webinar tools in Canvas

  • Quality / version control of Course content
  • Zo's Discussion Item - Barriers to Stakeholder Adoption
  • Marita's Question - Atomic Assessments and MasteryConnect



  • Sarah - Status
  • Zo - Aspire2
  • Paul - Accellier Education
  • Anneka - NCNZ
  • Casey - NCNZ
  • Aleisha - Tocal
  • Ilana - Australian College of Event management
  • Halil - BSI
  • Damian - MRWED
  • Bobby - Tas Dept of Ed


Meeting Recording Link:

VE User Group Meeting - January '20


Meeting Minutes:

  • Review Top 10 Areas of Priority
    • Top 7 are currently noted, Ruth will be reaching out with template for how these use cases need to be further fleshed out by those who have put them forward - STAY TUNED! Smiley Happy

  • Percentage scoring - Does this cause challenges for others?
    • Zo - looking for an up or down vote on whether students have demonstrated competency based on an outcome, could be achieved with percentages, but looking for other solutions.
    • Casey - use letter grades within assignments, but wanting totals to be displayed in another form not in percentages. Causes some difficulties in translating this data to SMS (Pivotal/Student360).
    • Damian - using JobReady SMS and moving towards integrating this with Canvas for enrolments/results passback etc. Finding this is not relying on the percentage information on grades which is helpful.
      • Workarounds:
        • They have removed 'Marks' from the Course navigation so learners don't see, and instead they rely on Module requirements which highlights their progress and whether or not they have achieved what is required for each item. This help de-emphasise the Total grade.
        • Use this URL - [instance][course number]/modules/progressions for them to view their progress - has been super well received!
    • Bobby - they have created their own markbook for Dept of Ed through internal custom work and this has been really powerful for them to ensure grading information is seen 
    • Option to view Total Grades as Percentage OR Points

  • Conferences / webinar tools in Canvas
    • Sarah - use nothing at the moment, but in deep investigation of what is possible! Feel native Conferences has some restrictions (can't use on mobile app and recordings only last 14 days). Currently exploring Zoom!
    • Zoom Integration Resources:
    • Ilana - they are using BBB/Canvas Conferences and are happy with it as a free product! Recognises there are limitations, but finding the 14 day cap is forcing people to watch before they expire and or attend live.
    • Bobby - using a BB product integrated with Canvas, as this supports the multi-session capability, but they also use BBB/Canvas Conferences for general classroom sessions which works well!
    • Paul - have previously used ClickMeeting, but finding with corporate customers there is more time wasting getting people into the meetings. Also currently exploring Zoom!
    • Anneka - being a fully online provider, they are very interested in webinar options but are sometimes limited with students using library computers etc who don't have control over what can be downloaded i.e. what softwares are possible without need for download? - suggested livestorm, crowdcast or joinme!

  • Quality / version control of Course content
    • Ilana - use O365, put all assessments from Canvas into a Word doc in SP which has built in version control tool. Team then QA and review outside of Canvas, then when complete they have a process to have this copied across to Canvas. Also find link validation practice is important to make sure content is still accurate. 
    • Aleisha - using Storyline tutorials in Courses which link to Files. When duplicating this to a new Course, finding they need to re-do the links to make this work. If Files could be hosted at subaccount level this would be really helpful to avoid this. Aleisha will create a feature idea on this and share with the User Group to vote up on and include in the Top Priority Areas!
      • Workarounds:
    • Sarah - issue for them is if they want to make a small change to a quiz question or a content item, this interferes with grades etc. They have setup an unpublished Course to house all ideas and updates to be included in the next iteration of the Course. Will provide feedback once they have implemented this!
    • Damian - Yammer used for the same purpose as what Sarah is describing.

  • Zo's Discussion Item - Barriers to Stakeholder Adoption
    • Zo overview: scenario at Aspire2 where morale could be improved across the board, but wanting to highlight they are supported to help with this. Understands when new system comes on, can be seen as 'another thing to learn'. How are others going about helping motivate team members? 
    • Anneka - providing templates helps them feel like they're not starting from scratch, helps reduce how much they are overwhelmed.
    • Tori - have a champion for Canvas, and also integrate it into PD schedule. They need to do PD to meet VET requirements as a trainer, so to fold it into this, it is something they need to do anyway and help them become excited as it's not just part of their day to day workload. Helps if teams feel they have a voice in how they use it and how they upskill.
    • Ruth - consider having users who are at all levels of digital skill as part of the Power Users, so it's not just those who are really confident with new systems, but people of all abilities. Include team members in discussion around setting training agendas - what do you need support with?
    • Anneka - been using for longer and have some more experience power users/buy-in, happy to have them assist with team buy-in!
    • Damian - including some positive story-telling around experiences using Canvas, hosting an event around Canvas for them to be able to drop in and have a chat.

  • Marita's Question - Atomic Assessments and MasteryConnect
    • Sarah - on the content side, use Adobe captivate and eLearning materials, TRS Australia for some course content, Catapult who they used previously in Moodle who have a strong integration with Canvas