Vocation Education & Training Usergroup - August 2024


It’s been a long time between catchups and for that, I apologise.

It's been frantic since January, and the opportunities to get together slipped by. When choosing our first catch-up for the year, we noticed the tide changing around one event in particular. InstructureCon 2024 is shaping up to be one of the biggest and most exciting product showcases in my time here!

The recent Instructure Product Blogs focusing on workflow enhancements, real-time badging releases (Credentials), increased learning options through selective course module release (now in beta) and Discussions Redesign are a small prelude to what is to come. With AI and Data Reporting fresh in our minds, the opportunity to enhance your students' education experience as well as increase operational efficiency (and realise value) is not far away

With this in mind, we’re thrilled to announce that the Vocational Education & Training (VE&T) User group will return on August 7th 2024. The panel of Kerri, Marita and Paul will be joined by Ruth Thornton (Senior Product Manager, APAC) to break down InstructureCon’s Product Extravaganza and provide practical insights and use cases of the Instructure Learning Platform’s use within the industry.

Upcoming Agenda

To keep the momentum going, we’ll also be hosting the following events to round out 2024!

  • August 27th at CanvasCon 2024, Melbourne.
    Yes, we’ll be LIVE! To reserve your spot at the event (including pre-event activities), click here!
  • October 2nd, 2024
    (Details to be released closer to date)
  • November 13th, 2024
    (Details to be released closer to date)


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