Instructure Alumni
Product Manager
Nov 10, 2020 1:42:01 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
Most Liked Posts
As we have been getting closer and closer to the time for Classic Quizzes sunset, we have heard many clear, articulate, and thoughtful voices talking about just how difficult this transition would be ...
[As of July 2021, please post questions about New Quizzes in the New Quizzes user forum. For questions about the Classic Quizzes Timeline, please see Classic Quiz Sunset Timeline (Subscribe!)]
New Qu...
The Much Anticipated Printing Quizzes Option
Printing options will be available in New Quizzes soon. We’re pretty clear on teacher needs and use cases thanks to the extensive feedback the community ...
New Quizzes on the To Do List
We recognize that there has been much to be desired when New Quizzes aren't completely auto graded. This causes teachers to feel frustrated when they need to reme...
User Experience of Content Migration from Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes
If you’ve been wondering what we’re considering for content migration to support the Sunsetting Classic Quizzes Timeline, look ...
Most Recent Posts
New Quizzes on the To Do List
We recognize that there has been much to be desired when New Quizzes aren't completely auto graded. This causes teachers to feel frustrated when they need to reme...
Improvements are coming for Item Banks Management this March.
We’re continuing to make adjustments to Item Banks based upon your feedback. During our user interviews for migration of Classic Quizz...
Here is the roadmap for the New Quizzes API, please note that the initial version will be available via a closed beta program, so that everything is well tuned when the casual user makes requests. New...
Hello @ebloomfield and @judy_harmon - the conversion of question banks to item banks is available in beta. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Releases/Beta-Release-Notes-New-Quizzes-Mig...
Please add any new feedback here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Quizzes-Transition/Releases-Q-amp-A-BETA-2021-12-22-New-Quizzes-Migration/m-p/504472#M30
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