
Community Member
Aug 19, 2020 12:24:48 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I love this idea! I would also like something under the assignments navigation to see a flag next to the name of the assignments that have teacher comments and have them be bold or highlighted or some...
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This would be a game-changer, particularly from a student or PD view. It would add some of the functions that make Google Drives so easy to access and organize. I'd love a global search feature, b...
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This is what we are looking for, too! Particularly for advisory teachers who, in Distance Learning, are trying to flag at-risk students, and for special education and EL case-managers to be able to pu...
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Can someone share how you do this? I see it as resolved, but I can't figure out how to create a practice assignment that asks for a submission from students but DOESN'T create a column in the ...
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YES! This is a big issue - students will submit a letter or blank document. Then I can write a comment and ask them to re-do the assignment, but with the mastery gradebook the parent doesn't see a...
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Most Recent Posts

I love this idea! I would also like something under the assignments navigation to see a flag next to the name of the assignments that have teacher comments and have them be bold or highlighted or some...
Dec 10, 2020 14:08 PM
This would be a game-changer, particularly from a student or PD view. It would add some of the functions that make Google Drives so easy to access and organize. I'd love a global search feature, b...
Oct 01, 2020 20:15 PM
This is what we are looking for, too! Particularly for advisory teachers who, in Distance Learning, are trying to flag at-risk students, and for special education and EL case-managers to be able to pu...
Oct 01, 2020 20:13 PM
Can someone share how you do this? I see it as resolved, but I can't figure out how to create a practice assignment that asks for a submission from students but DOESN'T create a column in the ...
Oct 01, 2020 20:09 PM
YES! This is a big issue - students will submit a letter or blank document. Then I can write a comment and ask them to re-do the assignment, but with the mastery gradebook the parent doesn't see a...
Oct 01, 2020 20:05 PM

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