
Christi Wruck
Instructure Alumni
Feb 17, 2015 3:13:52 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

You asked for a way to see the contents of the resources that are shared in Commons before importing it into Canvas. We wanted to give that to you, but those Commons resources are stored as “Common Ca...
Likes: 20
We’ve had a few questions about the removal of the rating system in Commons, and we wanted to provide you all with some insight into our thought process. The rating system didn’t see wide adoption. On...
Likes: 12
Eventually, yes. We would like to make export/import more granular and allow comments to be both exported and imported.
Likes: 8
Posting grades will function more like Mute and Unmute functions and less like Moderated Grading functions now. But I had some interesting conversations about grade change/posting permissions for TA&#...
Likes: 7
I'm told that we'll be posting recordings of the presentation next week!
Likes: 7

Most Recent Posts

We all know education is about more than just learning long division and how to compose a sentence. Education is also about fostering thoughtful and respectful human beings. As a platform for learning...
Jun 19, 2019 14:08 PM
We'd love to see a link to your content again, if you would repost it. We are currently exploring ideas about sharing text book content.
Mar 20, 2019 05:32 AM
We’ve had a few questions about the removal of the rating system in Commons, and we wanted to provide you all with some insight into our thought process. The rating system didn’t see wide adoption. On...
Jan 02, 2019 11:07 AM
You asked for a way to see the contents of the resources that are shared in Commons before importing it into Canvas. We wanted to give that to you, but those Commons resources are stored as “Common Ca...
Dec 17, 2018 11:58 AM
In addition to what erinhallmark‌ mentioned, I'd also like to add that we will be building on this Commons Favoriting feature in the near future. When we have completed the full suite of Favoritin...
Nov 08, 2018 13:41 PM

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