
Community Participant
Apr 1, 2015 2:41:53 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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As many of you know, Canvas has an option to save a rubric comment for later. I had an instructor ask about deleting those comments later. Here's the scenario she is particularly concerned about:T...
Likes: 13
Within the state of Utah we have been hosting an Instructional Design Summit for the past few years. Our blog (Instructional Design Summit) has slides and recordings from previous summits. Our most re...
Likes: 8
I would like to see more robust search (Jive isn't a bad example). The current search by user and search by course are very picky and will return limited results unless you get close in your query...
Likes: 7
I hate to be a dissenting voice, but I'm not sure star ratings (or even Like buttons) are a good idea. Canvas is already using stars to "pin" courses to the short list, and that pinning in...
Likes: 6
We have both Canvas and Bridge. We will use one or the other depending on the degree of interactivity needed and the instructional need. (Bridge being for more compliance-oriented content transmission...
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Most Recent Posts

@KataKeri I just ran a test and things look great! Thanks for deploying this feature.
Sep 03, 2024 08:20 AM
Problem statement: Currently the thumbnail for images is required for an instructor to post an asset to Canvas Commons. I acknowledge this requirement ensures that scrolling through content within Com...
Aug 16, 2024 16:20 PM
Also, you may want to take a look at WICHE's NANSLO project.
Mar 18, 2020 22:17 PM
One of my favorite ideas I've seen so far is asking students to analyze a dataset (new or existing). Not ideal, but it is low tech and extends across different course designs.
Mar 18, 2020 08:17 AM
At my institution we have our own online teaching awards based on our quality rubric. We created highlight videos of each winner and Canvas is often mentioned. The videos are available on our website. 
Nov 06, 2019 08:04 AM

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