
Hilary Melander
Mar 31, 2015 3:56:20 PM
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One of the most empowering moments in my career came from an "ah-ha" or "lightbulb" moment when I realized that creativity is simply problem solving. This moment sunk in after reflecting on a four month period where I lead my team through a series of changes that allowed us to do “all-the-things” with only a third of the resources. This was the first of several experiences that changed my mindset to embrace challenges instead of fear them. Today this small team is thriving and I have grown our scope of products from one over the last 2 years to four.

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It appears that you are trying to do two things by having distributed due dates in your course. You are trying to increase / manage engagement and help students keep on track. While I am not aware of ...
Likes: 11
The Canvas Network space could fulfill this need. Large enrollment coursesis all we do...all day long.https://community.canvaslms.com/community/answers/networkWe don't have many Canvas Network cli...
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​​​​Scaling Course Management and Instructor Engagement (90 mins)Hilary MelanderCreating consistency in course experience can be challenging when working with a fleet of well-intentioned professionals...
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Most Recent Posts

The Canvas Network space could fulfill this need. Large enrollment coursesis all we do...all day long.https://community.canvaslms.com/community/answers/networkWe don't have many Canvas Network cli...
Jul 11, 2017 13:27 PM
​​​​Scaling Course Management and Instructor Engagement (90 mins)Hilary MelanderCreating consistency in course experience can be challenging when working with a fleet of well-intentioned professionals...
Jun 14, 2016 15:38 PM
It appears that you are trying to do two things by having distributed due dates in your course. You are trying to increase / manage engagement and help students keep on track. While I am not aware of ...
Jun 30, 2015 12:21 PM

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