
Marc Lentini
Community Participant
Director, Educational Technology
Apr 7, 2015 12:50:59 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hi Kate,This is a mix of implementation nitty-gritty and scenarios... might be a "day before a three day weekend" issue. On the implementation side, I feel like this all needs some way for end...
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I've been thinking about the new interface, and the transition process, and the more I think (bad idea? dunno) the more I find myself hoping that it should be an end user-selectable feature during...
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Hi admins,I'm rummaging around in the API doc, and hoping to find a way to pull a piece of user data from a course. I'm stumped, and hoping the autonomous collective can help. I'd like to ...
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First off, the EdCamp/unconference was fantastic. It was well facilitated, and I had great discussions both during the formal sessions and on the side. It was also a nice way to connect with some peop...
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I can't add much to the bits already shared about the Canvas Intelligence Exchange, as I was behind the scenes most of the day. I'll share a bit about that in a minute. I'll second (third?...
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Most Recent Posts

Two that I know of:Northwest eLearning CommunityWas October 10 – 14, 2022 online. Held annually, and this year's recordings are available. https://nwelearn.org/conference Washington State Canvas C...
Dec 08, 2022 16:32 PM
I suspect it would have to have an instructor-controlled toggle, to support instructors who don't do extensions. Either way, some capacity for students to put in some text with details, or better ...
Dec 09, 2021 17:58 PM
Adding Immersive Reader throughout Canvas was one of the first requests we got back from faculty when we turned on the Pages-only implementation. It's particularly valuable in assignments, so stud...
Mar 08, 2021 17:04 PM
Regarding the New Quizzes and Peer Review Settings, will the fix update existing settings for quizzes that already display this behavior? 
Feb 23, 2021 11:09 AM
If nothing else, the name/display name should be consistent across all the Canvas subsystems. The fact that it's not is a particular challenge for our international students (who often use a nickn...
Feb 17, 2021 21:26 PM

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