Community Contributor
Apr 15, 2015 8:10:00 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Groups created from an enrollment within a course should always reflect the current status of that course's enrollment. It is a pain for instructors to have to manually remove students from course...
Awesome conference! I got my wish while there and that was to get all of our CSMs (past and current) together for a picture. Thanks Deactivated user,Deactivated user and Deactivated user. You all a...
Is this a problem for anyone else? Groups created from an enrollment within a course should always reflect that course's enrollment. It is a pain for instructors to have to manually remove studen...
Hi All. We currently have an ongoing issue for students with the courses immediately available on the "Courses & Groups" menu (in the old UI) or as course cards on the dashboard (in the n...
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Idea open for vote Wed. February 3, 2016 - Wed. May 4, 2016 Learn more about voting... With the new role change feature now available in Canva...
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Agree as well! I was just looking for a way to do this. Our situation - We'd like to set a recurring Global announcement targeted to faculty regarding our open technology help sessions (like offi...
Recently when trying to troubleshoot an issue in a course I went to the Import Course Content page to see what the instructor had imported. The instructor had several imports from five different cours...
For those who have sections cross-listed in a Canvas course shell, Roll Call Attendance can be filtered by section for taking attendance. This is extremely helpful. However, when creating an Attendan...
When regularly scheduled classes are cancelled or unexpectedly do not meet for whatever reason, it would be helpful to have a way to annotate that in Roll Call. Marking all students present is inaccur...
We are experimenting with using a template for all new courses starting fall term. We basically just want a default course shell that has organized navigation links as well as a course home page. Our ...
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