Community Champion
Apr 15, 2015 8:16:04 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Couldn't make it to InstructureCon 2015, so will sit here with my duck and my cockroach and imagine myself there. :smileysilly::smileygrin:
@RobDitto - thank you so much!! The power of the Community strikes again! :smileygrin:
I agree 100% with @powellj . Where there is a break in content - as there often will be for design purposes - it appears the user has come to the end of the page and they will move on. Content w...
Said it once, and I'll say it again - love the HOT PINK!!
Hi Erin - that does help, but please pass the following along to those looking at this issue. Not all students put a Profile pic in as a matter of course. They participate in Canvas and make assignmen...
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We are having the same problem here - just reported by an instructor today. She has been using Peer Reviews for many terms, and this is the first time she's had this issue.
We are seeing the same issue with Firefox 109 - the Gradebook will refuse to load until the user clears their cache. This is just since the most recent update. Anyone else seeing this?
Oops - I mean the Discussion updates are not in the Production notes. So not sure if they are making the cut this weekend or not.Thank you!
Thanks Erin - that totally makes sense, and I can see the difference now! I was looking at the "Unread" filter on an individual Discussion, rather than at the Discussions landing page in gener...
Hello! Looks like the Discussions updates were removed from the release notes, but I can still see the changes in Beta. Will these be moving forward to Production? If so, I still have the question fro...
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