(K'Ailsa) Kaye-Ailsa Rowan
Community Novice
Apr 15, 2015 10:16:53 AM
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I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I'm the faculty chair of a graduate program in counseling psychology that trains students in marriage and family therapy and clinical counseling. Also, I have a prior background in software, including user interface design, which contributes to my work as a teacher in Canvas.
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I have to concur, snugent. These two, Inactive enrollment status for withdrawn students (216)Extend Course for Individual Student (100)are the ones that are most troublesome for us, too.Although I hav...
We frequently ask students to post to the same discussion at multiple times during the week, so this would really help, especially if there were a way to auto-grade based on whether a student posted b...
The original request in the old forums asked for the *option* to create anonymous discussion forums. Most forums should still have clear authorship.Some specific purposes that were mentioned in the ol...
This idea had well over 100 votes in the old community (mine was one of them). Why do we need to vote on it again? Why hasn't it already been rolled into the development plan?
Another use case is if a student submitted inappropriate content, e.g. to a peer-reviewed assignment. Faculty could remove the inappropriate content to lessen the effect on other students.However the ...
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Hi, Can this idea be moved to the new "Radar" stage?
This feature would also be helpful to academic advisors/counselors who are working with a student who is not doing well. All the same troubleshooting cases mentioned by the submitted also apply at the...
*Please* yes. Currently we use a different grading system, which I have defined at the account level, but that doesn't implement it in the individual courses. So I still have to go into every cour...
This is a great idea to implement this while avoiding sync errors.
Another use case is if a student submitted inappropriate content, e.g. to a peer-reviewed assignment. Faculty could remove the inappropriate content to lessen the effect on other students.However the ...
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