
Apr 15, 2015 9:30:53 AM
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I help run AspirEDU. We have been a partner of Canvas for more than 7 years, with over 300 Canvas schools as clients. We provide analytics for student retention (Dropout Detective for higher ed, Grade Guardian for K-12) and for instructor engagement (Instructor Insight). For K-12 schools, we provide a screen with all classes/all current grades for each student. Drop me a note if you think we can help you!

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 @jackiallen1972 ​ - This will be my fourth InstructureCon and I would tell you that it is an extrovert's dream!  My advice is to talk to as many people as you can about whatever topics intere...
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Feel free to reach out to me at chris@aspiredu.com if you would like some additional information.  We have a brief video demo here:  https://vimeo.com/220251040  Thank you!
Mar 04, 2024 10:51 AM
HI, @GraceStephens23 --As @Chris_Hofer mentioned, we have a third-party LTI solution called Instructor Insight that provide metrics on the engagement and performance of instructors in their co...
Mar 01, 2024 18:32 PM
Thanks, @Chris_Hofer !  To answer your question, @LRWC , our Dropout Detective software does retrieve and notate each student's overall grade in a course, every night.  We can trigger auto...
Nov 08, 2023 18:39 PM
Hi, @rmuthiah1 -- Thank you @Chris_Hofer ... Rick and I have connected via email.  I look forward to seeing you both in Denver later this month!
Jul 10, 2023 18:20 PM
Hi, @KristinaB -- Our third party solution (Dropout Detective for higher ed or Grade Guardian for K-12) provides schools with a daily CSV file that includes "Latest Submission" for each co...
Jun 10, 2023 08:39 AM

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