Brandon Belew
Community Contributor
Apr 15, 2015 10:25:30 AM
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I've been with Frontenac Schools for 5+ years now as the Technology Director. I am also occasionally a web developer with mostly python using the Django framework, but occasionally also with PHP.
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Here is my comment in the administrator idea thread Kona listed: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/1126#comment-3592
I had a teacher request that tests in her class not be available in Canvas unless students were using Safe Exam Browser. SEB is a free open source lock down browser similar to Respondus, but free!So...
I don't think two separate versions is the right path, it will just raise costs for everyone. Not to mention you want high schoolers to be able to flow right into using Canvas in college and not ...
It would be a good feature to be able to customize wording for an institution. The guides issue could be resolved by integrating the guides directly into canvas, that way it would follow your wording...
I concur with Kona on posting to the developers group. That said there are a couple ways you could do it, I assume they'll say something similar. The canvas admin would use the custom javascrip...
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You will need to configure safe exam browser to point to your canvas instance and then export that file and send it out to all of the computers. They click it to launch SEB the first time and the c...
We have the same problem, it sounds widespread.. Hopefully they resolve it soon!
We are using PowerSchool for our SIS. For the most part the integration for grade pass back works, but it tends to have weird bugs that plague us at the worst of times. This year the bugs that hav...
The way canvas lays out it's html, it looks like it's all the same content for every user role with the exception of links to content those users don't have access to. So your right, the...
I concur with Kona on posting to the developers group. That said there are a couple ways you could do it, I assume they'll say something similar. The canvas admin would use the custom javascrip...
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