
Randy Orwin
Community Champion
Associate Director for Learning Technologies
Apr 15, 2015 7:26:08 PM
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I am the Associate Director for Learning Technologies in the Information School at the University of Washington. I spent 20 years in the k-12 arena as a teacher and then a district level administrator before I left to start my own consulting company. I have been in higher ed since 2011 and really enjoy it. I "eat my own dog food" when it comes to online as I work for the university in Seattle but work full time, online from my home in Rainbow Beach, Queensland in Australia. Our home is in a small, remote, beach community and we love to sail, swim, kayak and paddleboard on a daily basis.

Most Liked Posts

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas    Idea open for vote Wed. January 6, 2016 - Wed. April 6, 2016  Learn more about voting... Recently I have been playing with a variety of custom g...
Likes: 114
There have been a few posts regarding finding roommates for the condos in Keystone. It was suggested by  @jamely ​ that somebody start a board for this purpose. I didn't see one as of yet, cor...
Likes: 12
I have successfully integrated Google Custom Search into my Technology training resources site by creating an html file that includes the GCS javascript with a note telling users all results will open...
Likes: 11
Having just had a near death experience myself a couple of months ago and still recovering, I felt it would be really appropriate to get involved in this very worthwhile activity. So exciting to see o...
Likes: 9
 @lstark ‌, I am a huge fan of "Today's Meet" and use it a great deal when we do streamed events that don't have an easy chat feature for the audience. We have also used the Canvas...
Likes: 6

Most Recent Posts

Hello @lpotts01. As @Chris_Hofer pointed out in the post from 8/20/2023, things have changed in how upvoting works in the community. New ideas get added to a theme and then internally, folks a...
Aug 14, 2024 14:29 PM
We are investigating the use of this checklist within our school and noticed that the UDL references point to the older 2.2 version of the Guidelines. Has there been any thought about updating the UDL...
Aug 13, 2024 22:05 PM
Problem statement: When creating walkthroughs, the only button options are next, previous and end. It would be great if there was an option to go to a specific step in the walkthrough, or even broader...
May 07, 2024 18:52 PM
Hi  @sandra_minton ,The box with the "i" to the left is just the recent messages for the activity stream. This box show any recent activity in the group, like discussion posts or announcem...
Jan 01, 2020 15:51 PM
Hi  @sandra_minton and welcome to the Canvas Community!A group in Canvas is like a mini Canvas course for the students in the group. This is a work space that the students can use to collaborate. ...
Dec 30, 2020 04:48 AM

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