Community Participant
Apr 16, 2015 9:11:46 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Idea open for vote Wed. January 6, 2016 - Wed. April 6, 2016 Learn more about voting... Currently, Grading History (How do I use grading histor...
Currently in Canvas, when a module is locked until a specific date/time, students can see the module title and contents (although they cannot access them). Some faculty would like the option to hide t...
When importing content from previous courses, sometimes instructors choose "all content" expecting that this will add their old content to the new site. Instead, it overwrites the existing sit...
The June 12 release of Canvas Commons (Commons Release Notes (2016-06-12) replaced the previous subaccount-based sharing permissions structure with a new "Groups" model. These Groups require m...
Finding a specific message in the Canvas Inbox is a difficult task due to the lack of a search feature. This is compounded for instructors of large courses, who may have thousands of students over the...
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Thank you for these updates and the commitment to reinstating a set of processes for customers to submit, comment, and vote on feature ideas. Canvas serves a large and diverse set of customers and it&...
Thank you @mwolfenstein and @james_whalley for flagging the fact that Instructure made themes available for voting which were identified by the community as priorities through Instructure'...
As outlined in the Canvas Guides (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-remove-an-enrollment-from-a-course/ta-p/742), "If an enrollment is created via SIS, only admins can r...
This behavior is also discussed in the comments of another Feature Idea: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/14940-new-quizzes-allow-course-designers-to-edit-quizzes
When a user is added to a Canvas course as a "Designer", they appear in the People section as a "Course Designer". This behavior is unique to the Designer role, and creates confusion w...
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