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Apr 16, 2015 11:39:50 AM
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas We frequently send out Administrative/Global Announcements to all students. This is a powerful feature and the Announcements we post are often impo...
Canvas definitely needs to provide Administrators the option to lock down the default email address for students (and in some cases, perhaps instructors, etc.). I can't imagine why this oversight ...
We have had students who continue to receive messages from instructors of courses they have dropped. Is this normal? Is there a way to discontinue conversation messages to students who have been withd...
I recently noticed that the ability to remove the assignment list/course summary from a Canvas syllabus is now included in the beta environment, and I have two questions:1) When will institutions be a...
I have noticed something peculiar. When I upload a media file by dragging it to the Files area in my course the file shows up in the directory as one would expect. However, when I upload the same file...
Most Recent Posts
I recently noticed that the ability to remove the assignment list/course summary from a Canvas syllabus is now included in the beta environment, and I have two questions:1) When will institutions be a...
I have noticed something peculiar. When I upload a media file by dragging it to the Files area in my course the file shows up in the directory as one would expect. However, when I upload the same file...
Couldn't agree with you more. I just don't understand why it would be so difficult to at a minimum, provide the option to exclude the assignment list when using the syllabus tool. Sometimes I ...
Hi Donna. Like you, we would like to publish section syllabi before classes begin. By giving students a clear view of what they can expect prior to registration, we feel we could reduce the drop rate ...
Renee, if I understand your comment below (in quotes) please consider this:"What would happen with a toggle like this if instructors used it on a substantial amount of assignments and students wer...
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