
Community Novice
Apr 16, 2015 1:31:16 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I've found a probably unintentional work around for printing quizzes that works scary good.  Build on Kona's idea of pouring all the questions in the data bank into a quizopen it up using Safa...
Likes: 10
During our transition Canvas was very, very new.  I initiated a give it to them in what ever way they might want it approach and we offered:Online resources available for instructors to click at what ...
Likes: 9
Yes, certainly.  Although the workshops and such completely local, as is the "contact support" links.  But the online help resources are in a public course open to all.
Likes: 3
I think the old version of this from the old community actually pulled the announcements out of the announcements tool and displayed them in that box.  Unfortunately to work it had to be deployed some...
Likes: 1
This seems to be the only "idea" close enough to that which we have asked for since 2011.  Instructors simply want a "decoupled" alphanumeric column in their gradebooks that they can t...
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This new feature is a good idea but instructors are frequently adding essay questions worth zero points to the end of quizzes used often daily for just in time teaching and large online courses and it...
Dec 8, 2015 1:53:59 PM
I've found a probably unintentional work around for printing quizzes that works scary good.  Build on Kona's idea of pouring all the questions in the data bank into a quizopen it up using Safa...
Oct 9, 2015 10:59:06 AM
If it's put into the Global JavaScript then would everyone with a Front Page as their option for their home page choice have this in that page automatically?
Jun 5, 2015 9:17:15 AM
This is a bug that originated in February, 2015 and I created a ZenDesk ticket in the Canvas Support Centerhttps://help.instructure.com/tickets/1467398 and continued to merge the subsequent teachers&#...
Jun 5, 2015 7:51:30 AM

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