
Community Explorer
Apr 17, 2015 9:13:53 AM
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Deactivated user​ Here is the write-up. I left out using questions banks for scoring outcomes as that will take longer to explain. I will attempt to add screenshots for some of the descriptions below ...
Likes: 30
Canvas can be a great tool to support teaching and learning in face-to-face environments. Used appropriately, Canvas can help manage your class by delivering course-related activities and resources in...
Likes: 26
 @kona ​, thank you for this detailed write-up. We usually include this type of information to our faculty with our course development kit. Here are some best practices we recommend to our instruc...
Likes: 7
Here is the PDF guide for the Course Role Permissions: https://s3.amazonaws.com/tr-learncanvas/docs/Canvas_Permissions_Course.pdf
Likes: 5
Competency-based learning is emerging at the forefront of higher education. What technologies can be used to measure and assess student mastery of competencies and outcomes? Learn about the experience...
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Hi  @krenz053  (and  @bbennett2 ),This post is a few months old, but  I can jump in here to answer some of your questions from when I worked at my previous institution. It has been a little ov...
Oct 20, 2018 09:40 AM
Awesome checklist, Denise! I am definitely going to borrow some of these items , such as the link validator, and add to our current checklist. Thanks for sharing!
Jun 02, 2016 07:25 AM
cadatko​, not licensed. Free for anyone to share, modify, and/or redistribute. I based this off of our faculty needs. You may find that your faculty need the tips in a different order, or there may be...
May 27, 2016 08:41 AM
Canvas can be a great tool to support teaching and learning in face-to-face environments. Used appropriately, Canvas can help manage your class by delivering course-related activities and resources in...
May 20, 2016 12:47 PM
For those who wanted contact info, you can connect with me here (Canvas community) or email me at bryan.hauf@unthsc.edu.SlidesDropbox - A Collaboration in Measuring Student Competencies and Outcom...
Jun 17, 2015 15:43 PM

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