
Community Explorer
Apr 17, 2015 12:59:06 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This has been a lifesaver!  Thank you!  Quick question - where did you get the icons?  I'd like to add a few more but wanted to keep with the same style of the icons. 
Likes: 2
Hello, I need to update the section SIS ID, section start date, and section end date for a lot of courses in a term.  I've tried the PUT request in the live API to edit a section and it worked. Th...
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Hello, I need to update the section SIS ID, section start date, and section end date for a lot of courses in a term.  I've tried the PUT request in the live API to edit a section and it worked. Th...
Aug 27, 2024 7:23:27 PM
This has been a lifesaver!  Thank you!  Quick question - where did you get the icons?  I'd like to add a few more but wanted to keep with the same style of the icons. 
Jul 29, 2020 7:44:20 PM

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