Tom Gibbons
Community Contributor
LMS Administrator
Apr 17, 2015 12:18:31 PM
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Educational Technology Enthusiast, Erstwhile Dramaturg, Accessibility Dork, OER Advocate, Dog Father, Cat Concierge, Breaker of Things, Former QM Certified Master Reviewer, Canvas Admin Since 2012. My Clifton Strengths are Scorpio with Visual Learner rising. 🏳️🌈
Most Liked Posts
I know this is fiddly, but it's a recurring pain point for people at institutions where admins have added a bajillion additional buttons to the course-level nav. Please move the location of the Sa...
After meaning to get to this for a couple of years, I've finally put together video instructions on how to set up Canvas to allow for graded journals or blogs.When I was teaching composition, I kn...
I know it's all the same functionality plus a few advancements. But I'm wondering if one of the advancements will be to make it clear to students in the Canvas interface that they have feedbac...
I've said it before and will undoubtedly say it again: You have one of the hardest jobs at Instructure. Here: have a lightning guitar: And also Buddha:
The new Sidebar/Content Selector is pretty tough to use. It only loads ten items at a time on the Links tab, which means that you might have to click and wait for loading several times to get to the p...
Most Recent Posts
I would not be surprised... I have been having many arguments with the UI in Canvas over the last two weeks. Things have been *super* weird--like things not sticking when I change them, or not updatin...
It looks like you can also create more rating levels via the Import option--just throw more columns into the template.
I did also try to add more levels in the build/edit interface, and was able to t...
Ooof. This is rough.
For 12 years, instructors have been asking for the ability to assign multiple due dates for discussions. I think most of us have found reasonable workarounds for the grading ques...
I was just popping in to ask if the discussion was graded. I did a quick test at a school where the updates have been imposed at the root, and one where the old interface is still running with the upd...
I voted for this twice. 🙂
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