
Agnes Chiao
Apr 20, 2015 8:17:52 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hello K12 Canvas Friends -Welcome back for those who have been out for the Summer. And for those who were still in the office, things are heating up with start of school!I recently heard from our frie...
Likes: 13
This doesn't quite solve the whole issue you all bring up, but you can hide the student's total grade summary for a course. Students and parents would not see a total grade for the course, hop...
Likes: 8
This is great! Thank you.You can also add Google items into a Module by using the "External URL" and pasting the google shared link. This iframes in the whole Google experience including the m...
Likes: 7
And don't forget this feature request!Create Global Announcement Capability at the Sub-Account Level
Likes: 6
You rock Chris!! Thank you for this
Likes: 3

Most Recent Posts

You rock Chris!! Thank you for this
Aug 27, 2015 10:39 AM
Hello K12 Canvas Friends -Welcome back for those who have been out for the Summer. And for those who were still in the office, things are heating up with start of school!I recently heard from our frie...
Aug 21, 2015 14:18 PM
Aww! Thanks Adam! Made my day
May 11, 2015 22:23 PM
And don't forget this feature request!Create Global Announcement Capability at the Sub-Account Level
May 07, 2015 16:58 PM
Hi Peter -I apologize in advance if I am missing something here. There is a current Microsoft 365 integration that allows students to submit homework from their One Drive. You can go here in the Edu A...
Apr 30, 2015 17:53 PM

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