Elisabeth Greenwood
Community Participant
Instructional Technology Specialist
Apr 21, 2015 6:48:42 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Dark Mode for Canvas comes up periodically but is never addressed. Third-party browser extensions do not always work well (right now I am using one that handles everything on this page just fine- exce...
The Center for Distributed Learning at UCF uses a newsletter format synced with Canvas updates. You can view our newsletter with the end-of-term reminders online here: CDL Update – 04/23/15 | Online...
Thank you! We're building a library of reusable assets- so far the newsletter has been well-received by our faculty. We've only started this format in January and are still fine-tuning.
This re-energizing on the Accessibility group is much needed- happy to see it.
We have just completed the transition to Panopto and will be fully implemented for our summer term starting next week. At present it is primarily used by two colleges, but others are becoming interest...
Most Recent Posts
This re-energizing on the Accessibility group is much needed- happy to see it.
I think this is an excellent suggestion! I find myself squinting all the time to pick out the current date- a highlight around the calendar date as shown would be a huge improvement! Thanks for sugges...
My understanding is that this is alredy in the works for the mobile apps!
This came up recently during a call supporting our adjunct faculty- doing this inividually using the current fudge points just does not work for large classes! Please allow the ability to add the same...
Dark Mode for Canvas comes up periodically but is never addressed. Third-party browser extensions do not always work well (right now I am using one that handles everything on this page just fine- exce...
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