
Chrissy Mckeon
Community Novice
Apr 22, 2015 8:09:21 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

This was a feature request in the old forums that our faculty were particularly interested in (posted originally by Glen Parker) It would be helpful if it were possible to make a file visible by stude...
Likes: 141
Our university receives role names from our SIS, and we've created corresponding custom roles in Canvas. This gives members of a course an accurate idea of everyone's roles. For example, it...
Likes: 97
Account Roles created at the root-account level automatically 'trickle down' to the sub-accounts and there is currently no way to prevent this from happening.   It would be great to be able to...
Likes: 8
Hi  @kona ​! As mentioned in another thread, I'm on the hunt for exemplar Canvas sites at other institutions! You don't by any chance know if any of Michelle's courses are publicly ava...
Likes: 5

Most Recent Posts

cesbrandt‌,  @carrollrw ‌  @cherise_king17 ‌THANK YOU SO MUCH for this extremely helpful thread. I am trying to figure out a quick and easy way for all learners in a course to be able to messa...
May 02, 2019 12:38 PM
Thanks for the support everyone! I just noticed this little idea has actually gotten a bit of traction -- feel free to share so we can maybe get some more interest going!
Jan 29, 2019 10:45 AM
Hi lph -- thanks for your response! I had this question, too, and the icons page was really helpful. Can you explain what you mean by:Teachers simply add the icon class to the anchor link using the HT...
Jul 18, 2018 15:25 PM
That was you! When I first noticed this awhile back, that was one of the places I had also noted and when I went back, I noticed it had been fixed -- thank you! 
Apr 17, 2018 12:58 PM
Our university receives role names from our SIS, and we've created corresponding custom roles in Canvas. This gives members of a course an accurate idea of everyone's roles. For example, it...
Apr 13, 2018 13:49 PM

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